Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Judicial Yuan III

Original post by

The Judicial Yuan

Article 77 of The
Constitution of the ROC states:

第 77 條
Article 77
The Judicial Yuan shall be the highest judicial organ of the State and shall have charge of civil, criminal, and administrative cases, and over cases concerning disciplinary measures against public functionaries.

司法院 [Sīfǎyuàn] /Judicial Yuan/
為 [wéi] /是/is/
國家 [guójiā] /country/nation/
最高 [zuìgāo] /highest/highest-level/
機關 [jīguān] /organ/mechanism/
掌理 [zhǎnglǐ] /in charge of/
民事 [mínshì] /civil affairs/
刑事 [xíngshì] /criminal/penal/
行政 [xíngzhèng] /administration/administrative/
訴訟 [sùsòng] /lawsuit/case/
之 [zhī] /(literary equivalent of 的)/
審判 [shěnpàn] /put (someone) to trial/
及 [jí] /and/
公務員 [gōngwùyuán] /(n) functionary/office-bearer/civil servant/
懲戒 [chéngjiè] /to discipline/reprimand/

The Judicial Yuan oversees the court system of Taiwan.
In general, the Judicial Yuan exercises:
1. The Power to Interpret
2. The Power to Adjudicate
3. The Power to Discipline
4. The Power of Judicial Administration

The Judical Yuan derives the above mentioned powers from:
The Constitution
The Organic Act of the Judicial Yuan
The Constitutional Interpretation Procedure Act
The Organic Act of the Administrative Court
The Organic Act of the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanction of Functionaries

court system of the Judical Yuan are comprised of the following:
1. The Supreme Court
2. High Courts and their Branches
3. District Courts
4.The Supreme Administrative Court
5. High Administrative Courts
6. The Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries