Friday, July 18, 2008

Contracts - Capacity 2

Original post by

Capacity 2
More laws pertaining to capacity in the Civil Code:

第 76 條
Article 76   
A person who has no capacity to make juridical acts shall be represented by his guardian for making or receiving an expression of intent.

無行為能力人  [wúxíngwéi nénglìrén]  /a person who has no juridical capacity/
由  [yóu]  /follow/from/reason/cause/because of/due to/
法定  [fǎdìng]  /(adj) legal; of a legal nature/
代理人  [dàilǐrén]  /agent/
代  [dài]  /substitute/replace/
為  [wèi]  /to make/
意思表示  [yìsībiǎoshì]  /expressed intention/declaration of will/
並  [bìng]  /and/
受  [shòu]  /to receive/

The civil code of Taiwan separates juridical capacity into 4 types:
無行為能力人  A person who has no juridical capacity
限制行為能力人  A person with limited juridical capacity
行為能力人  A person with juridical capacity
禁治產人  Interdicted – no juridical capacity

According to Article 13 of the Civil Code the ages for the above mentioned persons are as follows
無行為能力人  0-6
限制行為能力人  7-20
行為能力人  20+ or persons who are minors but have married(According to Article 980 - 18 for men and 16 for women)

More articles pertaining to capacity in the Civil Code:
第 15 條
Article 15   
Those who are interdicted have no capacity to make juridical acts.

第 13 條
Article 13   
The minor, who has not reached their seventh year of age, has no capacity to make juridical acts.
The minor, who is over seven years of age, has a limited capacity to make juridical acts.
The married minor has the capacity to make juridical acts.