Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wrap-up for Week 3&4 of June

Here's the wrap-up for Week 3&4 of June. 

Taiwan City and County Council Websites 

Links to City and County Council Websites.

Intellectual Property Court 

Announcing the establishment of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court

Financial Supervisory Commission 

Some information about the FSC and links. 

Constitution Articles Relationship List 

A list of how the Articles of the Constitution relate to each other. 

Mainland Affairs Council 

MAC information and links. 


Explaining some difference between the MOF and MOEA. 

Taiwan Prosecutors Office 

Links to Taiwan Prosecutors Offices 

Taiwan Chambers of Commerce 

Links to Taiwan Chambers of Commerce 

Arbitration Some explanations about Arbitration in Taiwan plus links. 

Fair Trade Commission 

FTC intro plus links. 

Constitution Hyperlinks to J.Y. Interpretations 

How the Constitution relates to J.Y. Interpretations 


Some tax info and links. 

Tender Offer Regulations 

Links to tender offer laws 

Judicial Yuan Interpretations 

How to search J.Y. Interpretations 

Research Tools 

Links to aid in Taiwanese Legal Research 

The Constitution 

Links to the Constitution 

Intellectual Property Office of Taiwan 

TIPO explanation and links. 

Investing in Taiwan

Info about coming to Taiwan to set up a business