Monday, June 30, 2008

Law Schools

Original post by

There are some differences in the legal education of Taiwan. First, law is primarily studied as an undergraduate program resulting in a Bachelor of Law (B.L.). It is said that this degree is equivalent to the 'first' professional degree in law (J.D. or LL.B.). This is the reason why most Taiwan Universities have departments of law rather than schools of law.

Second, students receive academic rather than practical training. Practical training is arranged only after the individual passes the lawyer, judge or prosecutor exams.

At the graduate level, there is only the LL.M. or Ph.D. offered in the area of law. The LL.M. is not seen as a short term training program in some specific area of legal practice and of course the Ph.D. is the highest level degree offered.

Many places, like NTU have begun to offer a Master's program in interdisciplinary legal studies. Some say that this is a J.D. degree in its early stages.

A list(quite old and probably outdated) of law schools that offer degrees to foreigners can be found

A list of all law schools can be found at 

Other useful websites:
Ministry of Education

National Taiwan University
National Chengchi University
National Taipei University

Soochow University

The following is a list based on the average score of the entrance exams for first year students.

Students are tested on Chinese, English, Math, History, Geography

The information came from the
University Entrance Exam Commission (Chinese)

National Taiwan University College of Law 77.31
National Taiwan University Financial and Economic Law 76.5
National Taiwan University Dept. of Judicial Administration 75.46
National Chengchi University College of Law 71.14
National Taipei University Financial and Economic Law 68.28
National Cheng Kung College of Law 67.6
National Taipei University College of Law 66.51
Natinoal Taipei University Dept. of Judicial Administration 65.41
National Cheng Hsing University Financial and Economic Law 65.33
National Chung-Cheng University Department of Law 64
National Chung-Cheng University 法律學系法制組 63.45
National Chung-Cheng University Financial and Economic Law 63.41
National Kaohsiung University Financial and Economic Law 61.44
Soochow University College of Law 61.09
National Kaohsiung University College of Law 60
National Kaohsiung University College of Law and Politics 59.23
Fu Jen Catholic University Financial and Economic Law 59.07
Fu Jen Catholic University College of Law 58.37
Fu Jen Catholic University Dept. of Judicial Administration 57.77
Donghai University College of Law 52.7
Chung Yan Christian University Financial and Economic Law 51.31
Shih Hsin University College of Law 46.84
Providence University College of Law 44.55
Ming Chuan University College of Law 43.74
Chinese Culture University Financial and Economic Law 42.42
Chinese Culture University College of Law 40.53
Aletheia University Financial and Economic Law 35.73
Kainan University College of Law 33.62
Hsuan Chuan University College of Law 30.09
Asian University Financial and Economic Law 29.68

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wrap-up for Week 3&4 of June

Here's the wrap-up for Week 3&4 of June. 

Taiwan City and County Council Websites 

Links to City and County Council Websites.

Intellectual Property Court 

Announcing the establishment of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court

Financial Supervisory Commission 

Some information about the FSC and links. 

Constitution Articles Relationship List 

A list of how the Articles of the Constitution relate to each other. 

Mainland Affairs Council 

MAC information and links. 


Explaining some difference between the MOF and MOEA. 

Taiwan Prosecutors Office 

Links to Taiwan Prosecutors Offices 

Taiwan Chambers of Commerce 

Links to Taiwan Chambers of Commerce 

Arbitration Some explanations about Arbitration in Taiwan plus links. 

Fair Trade Commission 

FTC intro plus links. 

Constitution Hyperlinks to J.Y. Interpretations 

How the Constitution relates to J.Y. Interpretations 


Some tax info and links. 

Tender Offer Regulations 

Links to tender offer laws 

Judicial Yuan Interpretations 

How to search J.Y. Interpretations 

Research Tools 

Links to aid in Taiwanese Legal Research 

The Constitution 

Links to the Constitution 

Intellectual Property Office of Taiwan 

TIPO explanation and links. 

Investing in Taiwan

Info about coming to Taiwan to set up a business

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Taiwan City and County Council Websites

Original post by

Here is a list of the City and County Councils and their websites:

Táiběishì yìhuì            
Taipei City Council

Gāoxióngshì yìhuì
Kaohsiung City Council

Táiběixiàn yìhuì             
Taipei County Council

Yílánxiàn yìhuì             
I-Lan County Council            

Táoyuánxiàn yìhuì
Taoyuan County Council

Xīnzhúxiàn yìhuì             
Hsinchu County Council

Miáolìxiàn yì huì
Miao li County Council

Táizhōngxiàn yìhuì
Taichung County Council

Zhānghuàxiàn yìhuì             
Changhua County Council

Yúnlínxiàn yìhuì             
Yun Lin County Council

Nántóuxiàn yìhuì
Nantou County Council            

Jiāyìxiàn yìhuì
Chiayi County Council

Táinánxiàn yìhuì            
Tainan County Council

Gāoxióngxiàn yìhuì
Kaohsiung County Council

Huāliánxiàn yìhuì             
Hualien County Council

Táidōngxiàn yìhuì             
Taidong County Council

Pénghúxiàn yìhuì
Penghu County Council

Jīlóngshì yìhuì
Keelung Municipal Council

Táizhōngshì yìhuì
Taizhong City Council

Jiāyì shì yìhuì
Chia-Yi City Council

Táinánshì yìhuì
Tainan City Council

Friday, June 27, 2008

Intellectual Property Court

Original post by

Intellectual Property Court Will Be Formally Established on July 1, the Judicial Yuan announcement can be found

The opening ceremony will be this Tuesday, information can be found
here. (Chinese)

Intellectual Property Court Organization Act and Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act were promulgated by the President in March 28 last year; other related draft regulations, including the Rules for the Adjudication of Intellectual Property Cases and Enforcement Rules for the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act, were completed and announced at the end of January.

More information about IP in taiwan can be found here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Financial Supervisory Commission

Original post by

Financial Supervisory Commission

The main function of The Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan is to consolidate the supervision of banking, securities and insurance sectors, and to act as a single regulator for all of these industries. Thus, there are four bureaus under the Commission:

Banking Bureau
Insurance Bureau
Securities and Futures Bureau
Financial Examination Bureau

In addition, there are 4 departments
Department of Planning
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of Legal Affairs
Department of Info Management

The Legal framework of the domestic financial market comes from the following laws:
The Financial Holding Company Act
The Banking Act of the Republic of China
The Securities & Exchange Act
Insurance Law

In dealing with securites, the Securities and Futures Bureau is the main governing body.
Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Gre Tai Securities Market
Taiwan Futures Exchange
Taiwan Securities Central Depository Co., Ltd
Securities & Futures Institute
Taiwan Securities Association
Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association
Chinese National Futures Association
Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center
Accounting Research and Development Foundation
Taiwan Ratings
Securities and Futures Laws and Regulations

In dealing with banking, the Banking Bureau is the main governing body.
Central Deposit Insurance Corp. (CDIC)
Financial Information Service Co., Ltd. (FISC)
Joint Credit Information Center (JCIC)
Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation (TDCC)
Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF)
The Bankers Association of the Republic of China (BAROC)
The Taipei Bills Finance Association (TBFA)
Banking Laws and Regulations

In dealing with insurance, the Insurance Bureau is the main governing body.
Peripheral Institutions:
Insurance Institute of the Republic of China
The Non-Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China
The Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China
The Non-Life Underwriters Society of the R.O.C
Risk Management Society of Taiwan, R.O.C.
The Actuarial Institute of the R.O.C.
Life Insurance Management Institute of the R.O.C.
Insurance Agents Association of the R.O.C.
Insurance Brokers Association of the R.O.C.
Surveyors Association of Taipei
Taipei Insurance Service Association
Insurance Laws and Regulations

In dealing with Financial Examination, the Financial Examination Bureau is the main governing body.
Central Bank of China
Ministry of Finance

Constitution Articles Relationship List

Original post by 

Below is a list of how the articles related to each other in the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan) as seen in most "study style" Liu Fa Quan Shu(六法全書).   Whether or not an Article is associated with another article, I have included all of the Articles in the list just for the purpose of organization.

In the future, I plan to link the Articles of the Constitution to other relevant laws and regulations of the R.O.C.
This list may not be complete, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Article 1
Article 2【Related Articles】§3、§25
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7【Related Articles】§3、§5、§13、§129、§159
Article 8
Article 9【Related Articles】§140
Article 10【Related Articles】§23
Article 11【Related Articles】§23
Article 12
Article 13
Article 14
Article 15【Related Articles】§142-143、§146、§150-151、§153、§154-157、§159-161、§169
Article 16【Related Articles】§77、§132
Article 17【Related Articles】§26-28、§34、§45-47、§64-65、§91、§93、§112-113、§123-124、§126、§129、§132-136
Article 18【Related Articles】§85-86
Article 19【Related Articles】§107、§109-110
Article 20
Article 21【Related Articles】§158-160
Article 22【Related Articles】§43、§142-145
Article 23
Article 24【Related Articles】§77
Article 25【Related Articles】§4、§27、§174
Article 26【Related Articles】§129-132、§134-135
Article 27【Related Articles】§4、§30、§46、§174、§123、§136
Article 28
Article 29
Article 30【Related Articles】§27、§100、§174
Article 31
Article 32【Related Articles】§73、§101
Article 33【Related Articles】§74、§102
Article 34
Article 35【Related Articles】§36-44、§52
Article 36
Article 37【Related Articles】§170、§172
Article 38【Related Articles】§58、§63、§141
Article 39【Related Articles】§58、§63、§141
Article 40【Related Articles】§58、§63
Article 41
Article 42
Article 43
Article 44【Related Articles】§57、§78
Article 45【Related Articles】§3
Article 46
Article 47
Article 48【Related Articles】§36-44、§55、§79、§84、§104
Article 49
Article 50【Related Articles】§36-44、§55、§79、§84、§104
Article 51【Related Articles】§49-50
Article 52
Article 53
Article 54
Article 55
Article 56
Article 57
Article 58【Related Articles】§63、§87、§127、§59、§70、§39、§40、§38
Article 59【Related Articles】§57-58、§63、§70
Article 60【Related Articles】§90、§104-105
Article 61
Article 62
Article 63【Related Articles】§55、§57-59、§70、§104-105、§111、§174
Article 64【Related Articles】§129-132、§134-135
Article 65
Article 66
Article 67
Article 68
Article 69
Article 70【Related Articles】§59
Article 71
Article 72
Article 73【Related Articles】§32、§101
Article 74【Related Articles】§102、§33、§88
Article 75【Related Articles】§103
Article 76
Article 77【Related Articles】§78、§114-115、§117、§171、§173
Article 78【Related Articles】§114、§117、§171、§173
Article 79【Related Articles】§115
Article 80【Related Articles】§7、§139、§170、§137、§88
Article 81
Article 82
Article 83
Article 84
Article 85
Article 86
Article 87
Article 88【Related Articles】§80
Article 89
Article 90【Related Articles】§79、§84
Article 91
Article 92
Article 93
Article 94【Related Articles】§79、§84
Article 95
Article 96
Article 97【Related Articles】§98-100、§30
Article 98
Article 99【Related Articles】§95-98
Article 100【Related Articles】§27、§30
Article 101【Related Articles】§32、§73
Article 102
Article 103【Related Articles】§75
Article 104
Article 105
Article 106
Article 107【Related Articles】§141、§137-140、§144
Article 108
Article 109
Article 110
Article 111
Article 112
Article 113
Article 114
Article 115
Article 116【Related Articles】§129-132
Article 117
Article 118
Article 119
Article 120
Article 121【Related Articles】§108
Article 122
Article 123【Related Articles】§129-136
Article 124
Article 125
Article 126【Related Articles】§129-136
Article 127
Article 128
Article 129【Related Articles】§26-27、§45-46、§62、§64、§66、§91-92、§112-113、§123-124、§126
Article 130
Article 131
Article 132
Article 133【Related Articles】§17、§27、§34、§52、§123
Article 134
Article 135
Article 136
Article 137【Related Articles】§107
Article 138【Related Articles】§80、§88、§139
Article 139【Related Articles】§9
Article 140【Related Articles】§9
Article 141【Related Articles】§107、§151、§167
Article 142【Related Articles】§145
Article 143
Article 144
Article 145
Article 146
Article 147【Related Articles】§169
Article 148
Article 149
Article 150
Article 151【Related Articles】§141
Article 152【Related Articles】§15、§150
Article 153
Article 154
Article 155
Article 156
Article 157
Article 158
Article 159
Article 160【Related Articles】§21
Article 161
Article 162
Article 163
Article 164
Article 165
Article 166
Article 167
Article 168【Related Articles】§119-120
Article 169
Article 170【Related Articles】§26、§34、§46、§61、§76、§82、§89、§106-110、§112、§118-119、§134-137、§145、§153-154、§174
Article 171【Related Articles】§78、§173
Article 172【Related Articles】§78
Article 173【Related Articles】§73、§78、§171
Article 174【Related Articles】§27、§29、§174、§29-30
Article 175

Mainland Affairs Council

Originally posted by

After reading an article in the New York Times about Ma Ying-jeou, I decided to talk about the Mainland Affairs Council.

The Mainland Affairs Council is the competent authority.  They write:
One of the vital parts of the ROC government's overall administration is to promote a proactive and steady mainland policy.  Close cross-strait contacts on all aspects of the the years have produced structural changes in cross-strait relations, and this has given rise to many issues that urgently need to be resolved through negotiations between the two sides.  In order to jointly turn a new historical page of peace and co-prosperity, the ROC government will resume negotiations with mainland China through the institutionalized mechanism of the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS).  Such negotiations will proceed under the premise of "putting Taiwan first for the benefit of the people: and on the basis of the :1992 Consensus."  We hope that the two sides can adhere to the principle of "shelving controversies and pursuing a win-win situation."  We also hope that once the SEF and ARATS resume institutionalized negotiations, the two sides can strike a balance in the joint pursuit of their respective interests, and thereby bring about a new era in cross-strait relations. 

 General information and Mainland Policy Documents can be found here:

Another good place to look for information about Mainland Affairs is here:
Mainland Affairs Council Mainland Affairs Information Research Center

Laws and Regulations Regarding Mainland Affairs

 Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs
Act Governing Relations with Hong Kong and Macau

Regulations Regarding Chinese Development Fund

And the always important SEC laws